Southend Airport | southend Airport Taxis | 01702 911150

Southend Airport | southend Airport Taxis | 01702 911150

Advertise with S&T Private Hire here are some of the websites we have
S&T Attracted around 96,000 quotes / bookings online for 2010 from people coming in to UK airports & sea ports coming to Essex.
Business 41%
Leisure 36%
Friends or Relatives 23%
We are the only online taxi company in Essex that can give you a taxi quote to all over the UK & you can pick your car from a taxi, E Class, S Class, or 8 seater minibus & pay by credit card online.

S&T's advertising budget for 2011 is £70,000 - £80,000 here are some of the ads for this year
Back cover of BT phone book (Southend)
Locallife (Southend)
bayradio (Spain)
Ryanair magazine
Heart Radio in May

Rate Card for 1 year advertising
Advertising From £99
Front Page £350 | Quote page £300 |
for more info please call 01702 911150